Bridging The Digital Divide

Bridging this divide is arguably the most impactful thing we can do in the world.

Our Vision

Our Mission

At Digital Divide Bridge we are dedicated to one enduring idea: we believe that in society, we have a social responsibility, as individuals, corporations or even government, when we hold the answer to solve our neighbor’s problem, it’s imperative to share the solution. By doing so we have the opportunity and power to open up new technologies, new cures, new solutions, and eventually a new World. From curing cancer to breaking the cycle of poverty that exists throughout the world.

Our youth are our biggest victims. The future leaders who are inevitably stunted and might not even know what the art of the possible could be, due to lack of connection. Schools do their best to help, but they share the same problems, and learning goes beyond the classroom, it exists in all aspects due to our immediate information culture.

Why We Do It

As we all have experienced, once we ignite the fuel for learning, it then feeds the hunger for knowledge and curiosity, which spawns innovation. The internet is the single greatest aggregation of knowledge in the world, and more than half of the people in the world do not have reliable access to it. Many have no access at all.

The Problem

Some of the largest corporations and governments have failed us and have negatively impacted our progression, especially when it comes to bridging the digital divide.

By implementing new innovative networks and forcing change, it will be send a strong message to those who have failed and those who have succumbed to greed. Regardless, access to some of the most powerful technology in computing today is critical. Solutions to the digital divide is on the edge where networks are faster, more secure, safer, and sustainable.

The “bridge” has not been addressed if it collapses and this is where corporations and governments get it wrong. They offer standard solutions that try to solve the problem of now, and we offer solutions that solve the problem forever. That’s the difference between throwing a band-aid on a problem or being truly impactful. Impact must improve the lives of the many, not just the affluent few.

This isn't just a problem in the poorest and least developed countries. In 2019, Microsoft published a report that claimed the number of US Citizens without a broadband internet connection was 162 million which is almost half the population. Studies have shown there are over 4 billion people worldwide either un-connected or under-connected.

The biggest problem continuing to plague the digital divide is money and sustainability. For years the Telco companies have promised and failed to deliver internet in rural and low-income areas. The Coronavirus should have given them a “time to shine” and provide the necessary infrastructure needed for reliable, high-speed broadband. Instead, what we’ve witnessed is their offerings of hotspots and 1–3-year data plans that they have subsidized so they still get their new customers and monthly subscriptions. No one is asking what will happen after the data plans have expired and those families who have subsidized their payments now have to pay full price, or risk losing their connection. For those who have built businesses or have created a necessity for broadband over that period to then risk losing it again, have they really been helped, or have we caused a bigger issue?

The internet should be offered as a free utility, especially in the United States. Large enterprise carriers and infrastructure companies will not address certain socio- economic areas like rural and impoverished urban regions due to the high cost, and low profitability of installing new infrastructure.

The Solution

Digital Divide Bridge will be creating and funding the first ever decentralized public/private networks deployed in large capacities anywhere in the world. Our partner, PracTECHal Solutions, has developed and patented the first ever True Edge Data Networks. These networks can cover entire cities and even regions with a lower cost infrastructure capable of truly decentralizing the data center paradigm.

Through our partner, PracTECHal Solutions, we have been integrated into an ecosystem of businesses that all work cohesively. By creating a turnkey, global solution, we have effectively created an all-inclusive business model. From planning, procurement, support, connectivity in all network layers, execution, deployment, and warranty and system maintenance. Through this series of relationships, we can fund and deploy large scale area networks for a fraction of the price of typical deployments, from big carrier companies. We can procure carrier grade, hardened hardware at the cost of the equipment right off the manufacturing line. In most cases, this allows us to deploy these large-scale networks at around ten cents to the dollar of anyone else.

The PracTECHal Solution that we use as the core of our network is designed to maximize speed, power, and efficiency throughout the entire network. PracTECHal’s Solution uses a decentralized and clustered focus on processing power, storage aggregation, network security, and end user delivery of network connectivity.

Our Goals

Our ability to fund private networks would cause a massive ripple effect in the broadband infrastructure market.
1.   Provide free internet for everyone connected to network.
2.  Huge budget savings for schools, cities, even states.

Our Approach

Our networks are not a band-aid, but a permanent solution in providing free broadband for everyone in need. Distance learning has rattled our society and challenges what we know as basic household necessities. We would help fund schools and provide them the platform to give them all the tools they need to seamlessly go from school to home whenever needed.

Digital Divide Bridge customers buy decentralized, secure storage space which is immune to malware and other malicious file infections. Other network utilities represent processing power for edge analytics and AI, apps, and VMs decentralized across the platform that benefit their businesses, and much more. PracTECHal Solutions has also created a constellation cloud interconnecting these edge networks. This provides significant, and infinitely scalable, processing power and is currently being beta tested with blockchain integrations and large scale, decentralized platform hosting.

"We want to be impactful where it will matter the most, thus forcing change and paving a path to progression. There’ s no greater threat to progression than the digital divide. If you don’ t agree, respectfully, you’ re wrong. Our desire to break down these barriers has forced us to this point, where now we must do it ourselves."
Jonathan Adam - Co-Founder

Our desired impact and contribution in the world is to build networks focused on those who are under-resourced financially or located in rural areas where connections are needed more than ever. Lack of connectivity creates ripples of negative outcomes from much needed research, learning processes and methods, and creates deficiencies when attempting to execute ideas.

Schools, cities, neighborhoods, and even private corporations bridge the digital divide which are all focuses of our partner ecosystem. We are also excited to change the paradigm of funding opportunities for these under-served communities in need of network infrastructure.

"The path to prosperity is through access to high-speed internet. Through partnerships with PracTECHAL and initiatives like Digital Divide Bridge, we are committed to closing the digital divide once and for all by connecting everyone in the world to the internet."
Darren Furtado - Co-Founder

Darren Furtado

For the last three years Furtado , has been leading PracTECHal Solutions into a “do good by doing good” business model. In his position as CEO, PracTECHal Solutions saw a $300 million increase in valuation, secured five patents , and scaled to customers such as the D.O.D, M.I.T , Axiz, the International Communications Corporation, multiple municipal networks, and multiple casino operations across the Western United States.

Maria Espinosa Booth

As a former CEO for a national college access non-profit, Booth has always focused on providing under-resourced communities, assets, knowledge, and tools to progress to a higher level of growth. “I believe that education is the key to breaking the cycle of poverty and elevates communities. In order to do so, our communities need to have the appropriate technology to grow and prosper.” Technology in conjunction with education levels the playing field for all. For by doing so, the organization defied national performance in High School graduation, College Matriculation and College Graduation. Peers were performing at national rates of 35% in all sectors, the graduates who were armed with technology were out pacing their peers by 100%. Her commitment to elevating communities and students’ lives on through her work with PracTECHal Solutions.

Jonathan Adam
Chief Nerd

For the last three years, Adam has been operating as the CTO and Co- Founder, PracTECHal Solutions, Inc. His responsibilities include the daily operations of managing the technical, engineering, and development needs of the company. The innovations and solutions have produced multiple, high value patents and have changed the way network security and edge computing interact with communities and enterprise grade networks. Adam’s perspective, “We have focused on technology advancement and more importantly the advancement of society through technology.” As disruptors of the industry, PracTECHal’s technology evolved into becoming a solution that solves bigger socio-economic problems. The technology is more inclusive for world problems than we ever dreamed or imagined, and it should be used in a more meaningful way.

Making A Difference

Bridging this divide is arguably the most impactful thing we can do in the world. Based on our technology we are disruptors, but our goal is to make a positive innovation impact the world needs.

Offices In:

Los Angeles
Las Vegas

Contact Us:
  • (800) 213-7552